FAQs on Moth Infestations
Moths may not exactly pose a threat to humans in a shared space, but they can certain cause a lot of damage. Depending on what species of moth you have, they can ruin your clothes, your furniture, your food – and your peace of mind. If you think you have a moth problem, check out these common questions and see if further steps are needed.
Q: What type of Moth am I dealing with?
A: Identifying the intruder is always a good first step. First thing to notice is where you are finding them. If it’s in an attic, a closet, or a furnished living space – you could be dealing with Clothes Moths. These guys feed on natural fibers like fur, silk, hair, felt, and even feathers – all of which can be part of garments or upholstery. While they prefer protein based fibers, they will also feed on blended fabrics too. If you’re finding evidence of Moths in your kitchen or pantry, then you are likely dealing with Pantry Moths. These are grain feeders that are drawn to dry stored goods.
Q: What are the signs of Moth activity?
A: Moths don’t always make themselves obvious, but there are ways to spot the signs if you know what to look for. Small holes in clothing or upholstery are indicators of chewing, which should prompt you to look in your closets and dressers for things like webbing, cocoons, and droppings. If you notice any of these on, in, or around your food items as well – it has probably been contaminated. Make sure to regularly inspect your stored food for any strange appearances, and buying glass containers with airtight seals is always a safe bet. When it comes to your clothes – make sure you know what fibers your clothes and furniture are made of, and store them properly with lots of ventilation. Things like fur and silk especially can be protected by being wrapped in plastic or another synthetic barrier material.
Q: How do they get inside the home, and how can I prevent it?
A: Moths are usually carried inside the home via an infested food product in your grocery bag, on potted plants that you may bring inside for the winter, or simply through an open doorway. They can also land quite discreetly on a person in the folds of a coat and gain entry by simply hitching a ride. Anytime you’re bringing home a new rug, a new coat, or even a new bag of flour – it is important to inspect it carefully for signs of moth activity. A single infested item can be the beginning of a wide-spread household problem. Of course, as many people know – moths are also attracted to light, particularly at night. Keep them away from your doors and your home by limiting the amount of outdoor light. That porch light is a nice and welcoming touch, but it might be welcoming more than just guests.
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